A Q+A with Thomas Headon

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This artist has always found a spot in every-single-playlist. With music for anyone and everyone, Thomas Headon is back with another hit ‘Middle Of The Night’ and I got to chat to him about the single.

Hey Thomas, how are you? Thank you for chatting with me today. 

Hellooooo, I’m ok !! I’m currently sitting in a cafe and my latte has a heart on it so that has to be a good start to the day right

Congrats on the release of ‘Middle Of The Night’, it’s such a tune! Can you tell me about the story behind the song?

Thank you! I had a week with a really good friend and songwriter Caroline Pennell (Carol Ades is her artist name) and we wrote this song with another friend and long time-collaborator Stephen Barnes. The song is basically about partying way too much and never wanting to stop. Everything else that goes along with that is just the feelings/situations you find yourself in when you’re in that environment. My favourite thing is the voice memo of Caroline at the beginning, that was her telling me not to sing in the gang vocals in the chorus, but now we’ve framed it like she’s mean. She’s not I promise.

I’ve followed you since 2020 and have always loved your antics on TikTok and Instagram. Over this time, I’ve found that you have a strong love/hate banter between you and your fans, can you tell me more about this? 

Haha, the internet is so funny to me. I really don’t like to take myself seriously on there… and I don’t mean that in like an “oOoOO look HoW diFFereNT i AM” sense, but more so I just am not very serious in my real life anyway, so the unserious and joke-like interactions and demeanour is very much just the way I am. I like that we have that kind of relationship, it feels very authentic and really what I wanted when I started doing this… just a group of people that get it, are chill and enjoy it. Problems do arise, but it’s pretty easy to filter out and go “well they’re a fucking idiot” and ignore them. Nobody is meant to be for everyone, if you really like super serious artists then that’s great, but that’s not me. 

Since you started releasing music in 2020, your sound has evolved dramatically, especially in your last EP, you had a lot more grunt and rock throughout your music, have you enjoyed experimenting with different sounds?

Good pickup! Definitely. I haven’t ever listened to or put myself (personally and creatively) in a category of one type of music. I think that bleeds into my music too… sometimes I wanna make a sub-2-minute rock song, sometimes I want to make hip hop, sometimes I want to make acoustic music and sometimes I want to make pop. So many artists that I adore are the same, and that’s also where the influence comes in. Maybe I’ll sound like a dick saying this, but feel like it’s difficult to categorise me as one specific genre when a lot of the songs I make sound like they’re in different worlds. It’s a nightmare to make a cohesive visual for though lol.

Do you have any influences behind your music at the moment?

Specifically at the moment, I’m really into a lot of “alternative hip-hop” probably. One of my favourite albums of last year was Dominic Fike’s ‘Sunburn’. That being said though on the other side of that, I love Brakence’s ‘Hypochondriac’, and then even further I’m always listening to Skrillex’s ‘Quest for Fire’. Then you get all my usual favourites… Harry Styles is a constant, same with The 1975. It’s so cliche to say but I do like “all music”, and I think I get inspiration from anything that I’m enjoying.

What can we expect from the next era of Thomas Headon music? Do we get an EP or Tour anytime soon?

PFFFFFT. All I can say right now is there’s more music coming. A lot of plans we had at the end of last year have been thrown up in the air for reasons out of my control, but I’m still excited to release more music that I adore and do more spontaneous things in relation to shows and touring. Fun things are still coming don’t you worry!

You can follow Thomas Headon here and listen to his music here.


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