Q+A with Girl and Girl

Photo: Supplied

Congratulations on the release of your debut album Call A Doctor, can you tell us more about the title track of the record?

Thanks! The track itself is pretty literal. It speaks a lot to the pressures I was feeling at the time of writing it, after the band had gained some attention, and how I was struggling to keep up and deal with that alongside some other going on in my personal life. The word vomit that is the outro of the song, kind of all just poured out of me one afternoon, it was cathartic, and continues to be each time we play it. 

In the lead-up to the album, Girl and Girl released ‘Hello’, ‘Mother’ and Oh Boy!’ can you share what these songs are about?

Hello is about trying to change negative thought patterns and routines that you’ve developed, and how people can give advice and all that, but eventually you’ll need to find the drive to change within yourself. Mother is about that period in your life where your mum goes from this all-knowing being to a mortal normal person, and how beautiful and confronting that process can be. Oh Boy! is growth from turmoil and the realisation that life is growth and there’s no end goal, and that’s such a relieving notion. 

 These songs are also getting critical acclaim from the likes of Rolling Stone US, NME UK and many more. What was that like for the band to get such positive feedback?

It’s always really nice to hear kind things said about your art because it can be terrifying putting these things out there. 

You recently wrapped up sold-out shows in Brisbane, Melbourne and on the Gold Coast for your recent headline dates in March and are now on a US run with Royel Otis, do you have any key highlights so far?

Key tour highlights in Aus were when I threw up mid-show in bris, and getting to see Love Banana and Fraser Bell play for three nights in a row because I love them so much. Highlights for USA, I got compared to buffalo bill from Silence of the Lambs after a show the other night, that was funny, and she said specifically this line ‘would you fuck me? I’d fuck me, I’d fuck me hard’, usually people just say talking heads or something, also seeing Good Morning live was a very special moment for me, huge fan of the band, they played a killer set and I wanted to cry the whole time, which was probably week 4 of tour speaking, but also a testament to their beautiful music, and finally this guy we met a gas station in rural Arizona who was carrying a little rag doll kitten and had a huge knife in his overall pockets and it was all just so beautiful and terrifying at the same time. 

Your debut album Call A Doctor explores a common theme of uneasy topics including rising anxiety, can you share more about the experiences you’re unpacking in this album?

It’s been a cathartic process, writing, recording and now playing this whole record. I’ve struggled a lot with anxiety and depression from my teens to now, and the record explores that in greater detail, some more recent moments, but some distant ones too. 

These songs as a whole tend to have a strong brightness throughout, despite the darkness of some of these lyrics, was that intentional? Can you tell me more about this?

 Yea, I find it easier to approach these darker more serious themes in a theatrical kind of dramatic manner, that way I can essentially trick myself into sincere and honest self-reflection and evaluation. 

Did you all have a similar influence/musician/album that everyone referred back to while making this album? Or did you all have varied influences and ideas

I had some references in mind that I’d sent out to our producer, Burke, beforehand, i can’t exactly remember, but I think they were along the lines of Car Seat Headrest, Gun Club and Father John Misty. 

 Thank you so much for taking the time to answer Unraveled’s questions! Is there anything else you want to share with readers?

Thanks for speaking with us! hopefully, you get something out of the record. 


To add to this exciting day of releases, Girl and Girl has released the official video for ‘Call A Doctor’ which can be seen below!

That’s not all, they have also announced an Australian tour! Visiting the Gold Coast, Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne this coming August. More information on the tour can be seen via Subpop here.


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