Heartfelt and Hypnotic: Conan Gray Shines on the Opening Night of the Found Heaven Tour

Photographs by Sara Regan

If you were lucky enough to catch Conan Gray’s opening night of the Found Heaven Tour at Melbourne’s John Cain Arena, you undoubtedly witnessed an event to remember. From the moment he stepped onto the stage, it was clear that Conan Gray’s magnetic presence had returned with an incredible ability to connect with his audience.

Upon entering the venue, you couldn’t help the sea of concertgoers wearing yellow bows, a nod to Gray’s iconic use of the colour in his current era of music. Leather jackets, stars and glitter were also prevalent, reflecting Gray’s eclectic and stylish aesthetic. This enthusiastic display of fandom showed the power and influence of his music to fans from all walks of life.

John Cain Arena, the largest venue in which Gray performed, provided an excellent backdrop for the evening. The venue was buzzing with excitement, and the acoustics allowed Gray’s emotive vocals to fill the space perfectly. The stage design of the lights and beams to form a star, with a Hannah Montana-esque platform centre-stage was on point. The creative direction and set design of the show pin-pointed Gray’s influences and direction as an artist perfectly, creating a dynamic visual experience.

Conan Gray’s setlist was a carefully crafted journey through his musical repertoire, featuring a blend of his most beloved hits and standout tracks. He opened with the euphoric number ‘Fainted Love’, which immediately engaged the audience, setting the stage for a night filled with both explosive moments and intimate reflections.

If you’re a fan of Gray, you’re well aware of the heartbreaking and scream-worthy ballads that he is a master at creating. One of Gray’s most beloved songs, ‘Heather’ deals with unrequited love and the pain of seeing someone you care about with someone else. The live performance of this track was incredibly powerful, with Gray’s evocative voice bringing the song’s emotional landscape to life. The audience’s reaction was a testament to the song’s deep impact. Gray’s rendition of ‘Family Line’ was raw and moving, allowing the audience to connect with the song’s exploration of familial bonds and personal history.

A particularly touching moment came during ‘The Story’. As Gray sang the heartfelt ballad, his emotions were visibly raw, and he became teary-eyed. The vulnerability he showed on stage was met with a supportive and empathetic response from the audience, creating a powerful, shared experience that highlighted the personal connection between Gray and his fans.

Aside from these heartbreaking yet therapeutic performances, we finally got to experience the hit track from ‘Found Heaven’. ‘Bourgeoisieses’ is one of those songs that you can’t help but dance to when it starts playing. Gray revealed recently that the track almost didn’t make the album as he feared it was “too weird”. However, it has been one of the most well-received tracks yet. Popping out of the stage with a tank that states “Burger Jesus” as a joke to the complex pronunciation of the track title, fans went wild. Conan was having a great time himself, bopping around the stage and smirking at the crowd, he knew that we had been waiting for this performance.

The concert concluded with a spectacular performance of ‘Alley Rose’ highlighted by what many would consider as an incredible scream-worthy song. The finale was a powerful demonstration of Gray’s vocal prowess and left the audience in awe. The bridge, in particular, was a climactic moment that perfectly wrapped up an unforgettable evening.

Conan Gray’s concert at John Cain Arena was a remarkable display of his talent and emotional depth. With standout performances of tracks across his three albums ‘Kid Krow’, ‘Superache’ and ‘Found Heaven’. Gray solidified his status as an extraordinary live performer. Gray’s ability to convey such profound emotion through his music makes his live performances a must-see for fans and newcomers alike.


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