Enlightening, Embracing & On The Edge - Review On Coterie's 'Honey Dance With Me' Australian Tour

Photographs by Ishani Buff

Upon arrival at The Corner Hotel, a never ending line of fans in the bucketing rain had waited patiently for the doors to open. Wrapped around the streets of Richmond, Australian-New Zealand band Coterie had landed in the heart of Melbourne for their spectacular ‘Honey Dance with Me’ Australian Tour. 

These boys have been on the road for 16-months touring with Australian-New Zealand icons Lime Cordiale and Six 60. Before the bustling crowds gathered around into this warm and enticing space, I chilled out with band members Tyler, Conrad and Joshua to chit chat a little about what it’s like being on the road. 

Full of laughter and joy in this conversation, the boys describe how surreal this tour has been for them. Conrad mentions how, “We’re selling out shows that we thought were probably too big for us. People still seem to like our music which is just crazy to us.”. They are excited to be continuing to fill the hearts of many people with a good experience at their shows.

At tonight’s show, supporting acts Satin Cali and Ben Swissa lit the stage with their fearless takes on some of their favorite songs and some of their own classic hits. Swarmed by the rush of people entering the space with a beer in one hand and ticket in the other, over 800 people started to gather around for this exciting and long awaited night ahead.

As soon as the clock hit 10:00pm, the curtains opened the stage to a roar of fans that were greeted by an instant hit of water pistols. With a taste of keys, drums, guitar, bass and vocals, the audience jumped immensely with Coterie in their opening track. Hair flipping, endless goosebumps and an atmosphere full of buzz in the air, everyone in the room knew the lyrics off by heart. 

As mentioned earlier, these boys were set to build an experience that made people feel like they could have a good time and forget about all their problems in the world. Peaking through the curtains backstage you could see smiles radiating all the way to the very back of the bar. Arms around loved ones and friends, swaying to and fro to the beat of the drums. Coterie was your definition of an enticing, interactive and sizzling show that took the crowd by storm. 

Mixed with a few soft ballads throughout their rocking performances, this show was a perfect balance of every strong and soft feeling that you ever feel in music. Such soft tunes were accompanied with a range of glistening phone spotlights on the band as they played right in the center of the crowd around them. Coterie explains how this is a tradition they have done at every show since they started out and I could only imagine it ever growing in their future shows. Definitely a memorable moment for the band and audience as they create a lasting bond together. 

You travel through the story of ‘West Coast Drive’ and dance to the rhythm of ‘Shakin’ Her Body’. A never ending buzz of energy filled throughout the air as the night had progressed and with such love spread throughout the band and audience til the very end, you could only expect the audience including myself wanting more! The band left with their fist pumps and hugs but hearing the chanting of “One More!” from this endless joy of a crowd, the boys hopped right on stage for one last song. Dancing the night away with such love and joy in the atmosphere, Coterie continues to leave a mark on the hearts of many people. Spreading not only a love for music but a never ending sense of warmth and connection among a room full of strangers who are bound to be called as family.


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