Nick Wallace Nick Wallace

0151 - The Night Cafe: An Analysis of an Underrated Masterpiece

Typically here at Unraveled, we like to cover (relatively) new releases, giving you a deep dive into what’s what in the local and international music and fashion scenes. This review is going to be a little different though - it’s more of a tribute to a criminally underrated and almost totally obscure album. 0151 is the debut LP of Liverpool-based indie rock group The Night Cafe, which was released in 2019.

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Nick Wallace Nick Wallace


U2’s experimental heydey has been long buried in the past. They’ve dabbled with more modern production aesthetics in their recent albums, but there haven’t been many left turns in the past decade. Could this new mammoth release be a new groundbreaking direction for the Irish 4-piece?

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Nick Wallace Nick Wallace


Those in need of a new captivating, emotional yet carefree RnB project need wait no longer - Forest Claudette’s latest offering, Everything Was Green, is here to fill that (highly specific) void. This new EP is like a subdued kaleidoscope, spinning lazily in low gear, throwing up plumes of colour in its own time.

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Nick Wallace Nick Wallace

SUCK by COBRAH a Review

Hot off a string of boundary-pushing releases, the up-and-coming Swede’s newest single, SUCK, pulls no punches and makes absolutely sure her statement of intent is clear from the word “go”. Or, in this case, the opening lyric, “suck”.

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