Ready to Set the Stage with Ryan Edmond

Stockholm-based indie singer-songwriter Ryan Edmond has returned with his charismatic single ‘Typical Lover’. Known for his “admiration for openness” from Triple J Unearthed, we are thrilled to talk with Ryan about his upcoming travels and his thoughts on his new latest single.  

From July 8th, Ryan will be touring throughout Europe, appearing at the Surf Camp in France and Spain for most of the journey. He is super excited that things are finally starting to happen again. Every town brings something special and meaningful to Ryan, as he loves to cherish every venue and crowd he performs at. Especially in Germany, where you’re bound to have people listen and get into your music. 

With a musician on the go, there are always items one must have. Ryan mentioned that carrying a surfboard down the south of Europe was needed because surfing in Stockholm wasn’t exactly ideal. Headphones, guitar strings and batteries were few to name as well when travelling around any destination in every city. An overall “very tough choice” as Ryan explains. 

Ryan is also keen to celebrate his release of ‘Typical Lover’. A song built with melodic sounds and enchanting ideas, exploring themes of love, addiction and the search for something that feels real. Open to interpretation by a wider audience, Ryan hopes to find listeners experiencing their connection and meaning to the music. 

He explains the process as very spontaneous. A song that came together so quickly by his surroundings and inspiration from books and films he had felt deeply and resonated with. Ryan describes how “Writing the first verse just made the whole story and images in my head come together so nicely. It overall felt like a very effortless process.” 

Since listening to Ryan’s answers and music, I felt that he had a very raw and open essence to him. In line with his music, he is a person you would describe as very down to earth with a lot of love to give to the world. You can feel it when you listen to his music, he takes you to his world, his story and his adventures in life. Capturing the liquescent guitars in the eyes of a vibrant musician, I was keen to hear more of his story and his inspiration in the way he creates his art. 

He talks fondly about his grandad having him along at jamming sessions. Always hanging out with older people who had a love for music and felt a lot of joy in the air. Ryan recognises this time as being very memorable and an inspiration to a lot of his songs. Learning to love the atmosphere of playing with other people and shaking off the nerves of when first performing on stage as a musician. 


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